Cat Fist Fury Ranma 1/2 belongs to you-know-who and you know the rest. <>: Thoughts <"">: Chinese language Chapter Two A New Beginning Ranma, the saber toothed tiger, ran through the forest that was near the mountain cave where he had been living for the last two weeks since his transformation. As he raced through the foliage, his mind went back to the day in which he had become cursed. It was not a day that he would not likely forget. Two weeks ago? After bolting from Jusenkyo in a fit of blind rage, Ranma ran toward the mountains, not caring where he was going. All that mattered was that his life as a human was over. He was now cursed to spend the rest of his days as a savage beast. It was already well past midnight when Ranma finally became exhausted and took refuge in one of the many mountain caves that were scattered about the area. As he laid himself down for the night, his thoughts about Genma were dark ones. Ranma's thoughts trailed off as he began to think about it. Ranma began to think about it for a while. After a long period of thought, he came to a conclusion. Not caring that it was unmanly for him to shed tears (though he wasn't a man at present) Ranma cried himself to sleep. The present? It had taken Ranma two weeks to finally accept that his life had been irrevocably altered. During this period of adjustment, he had decided to test the limits and abilities of his new form. Naturally, Ranma had to hunt in order to survive. His feline form was powerful enough to rip a tank open like a can of soda. His strength, endurance, speed and reflexes were far greater than before and his stamina was phenomenal. He found out he could run at a top speed of 70 mph and unlike a cheetah, could maintain it for hours. His senses were incredibly sensitive, especially smell and hearing. He had also discovered that he had sharp night vision and could detect heat emanations, no matter how faint. He had also found out he had a kind of sixth sense. He wasn't sure how it worked, but he could always feel when someone was watching him or when danger was near. The past two weeks had been exhilarating, to say the least. Hunting for food helped take his mind off his present condition. After a couple of days of squeamishness, Ranma soon developed a taste for raw meat. Catching fish in the mountain streams was easy, and he had already had eaten sushi before. And during this time, Ranma had discovered something else. Freedom from his father Genma. He could do what he wanted, and not have to worry about that idiot trying to mess up his life anymore. No more stupid training sessions. No more dragging him off to another place and destroying any chance of making friends. Ranma was eating better than he ever had living with him. Even though he could no longer associate with people anymore, the thought of not having to be with his father was something he could live with. One week later? Ranma had just caught himself a fat and juicy wild boar. The chase had been short but intense as the pig had tried to fight when he cornered it. Although it had very wicked looking tusks, Ranma's teeth and claws made short work of it. As Ranma sat down to dine, his ears perked up and his danger sense went off. Something or someone was coming. As he sniffed the air around him, he caught the distinctive scent of rare Chinese herbs. He also picked up the unmistakable scent of humans. Not wanting to be seen he abandoned his meal and hid himself among the rocks that were on a ledge overlooking the spot where he had killed the boar. He hunched down and peered from around a huge boulder. Shampoo and her three friends were stealthily moving toward the spot where they had heard the commotion. Their group had picked up the sounds of some huge animal fighting a wild boar, and they came to investigate. When they came to the site, they found the remains of the boar and began looking around for what had killed it. As they searched, Ranma observed them from his hiding spot. The girls appeared to around fifteen or so and were dressed in elaborate clothes. Each girl carried a weapon and moved with subtle grace. Obviously martial artists. He became especially interested in the cute girl with purple hair, who seemed to radiate confidence and power. She carried a pair of steel maces. Ranma considered leaving the scene, but decided against it. He was far too close to them, and they would likely detect any move he made. He also noted that one of the Amazons carried a bow and arrow. Although he had a very thick hide, he wasn't willing to find out if he was arrow proof. He became extremely nervous as one of the girls drew near to where he was hiding. It was at that time that something crashed into the clearing. The four girls turned their heads and saw something enter and let off a roar. The Amazons backed off as they saw what it was. The sight of a huge grizzly bear in China was a rare one. Grizzlies were not native to this part of the world. This one however, had just escaped from a traveling circus near Cloudgate Pass. After weeks of being cooped up in a cage and forced to do inane tricks, the bear had decided that enough was enough. After crushing the skulls of a couple of the handlers during a performance, the animal bolted from the circus and had made its way to the Bayankala Mountains. Once it established its territory, the bear was used this neck of the woods as its personal hunting ground. The female warriors readied their weapons to fend off the beast. The bear lunged at the nearest one, just as she prepared her sword for a slash. Unfortunately, as she stepped back, she tripped over a rock that jutted out from the ground. She fell down on her back and let out a yelp of pain. She had twisted her ankle. The girl who had a bow and arrows was just about to loose her projectile at the bear when a huge black blur streaked over their heads and plowed into the grizzly, knocking him back against a tree. As the Amazons stared in amazement, Ranma faced off against the bear. The grizzly was estimated to be about 1000 pounds, compared to Ranma's 1300. It charged at him with uncanny speed. Ranma dogged the attack by sidestepping, then swiped at it with a paw. The blow connected, sending the beast back another ten feet. As the grizzly shook its head to clear it, Ranma crouched down low, readying himself for the next attack. At this time, he did not notice that his body was beginning to glow with a red light. The Amazons noticed it though and their eyes widened even further. The bear finally managed to compose itself and tried to lunge at the saber tooth again. The transformed martial artist also charged forward, while keeping low. He got below the bear's paws and head-butted it back toward the same tree, this time toppling it. As the tree feel backward, Ranma's aura began to glow even brighter. The bear got up and roared at its opponent. Ranma returned the challenge with his own. He couldn't believe that the animal still wanted to fight! His aura became crimson as he eyes lit up with fury. Then they began glowing a solid red. With a sudden flare, his eyes released twin beams of searing heat that struck to bear. The grizzly howled in pain as a searing heat ripped through its body. In less than nanosecond, the bear had been reduced to smoking carcass. Ranma stared in shock over what he had done. He couldn't have believe what he had accomplished was even possible. The expressions of the Amazons also mirrored his. Realizing that now was not a good time to hang around, Ranma quickly swept up his kill and bolted out of sight. He left the bear behind, as he was not in the mood for barbecued meat. Shampoo and her friends were still stunned as they watched the giant tiger disappear from sight. The rumors had been true. For weeks, there had been reports of a giant tiger that had been roaming the forests. The purple-haired Amazon and her friends had been out hunting this beast, hoping to bring back a trophy. They were a bit skeptical to actually finding such a creature, but now that they had laid eyes on it, all doubts had been cast aside. The cat was not only real, but it had just saved Aloe's life and had displayed an unusual power. Shampoo thought as she went to join the others in tending to Aloe's injuries. Ranma sat in the cave and was deep in thought as he devoured his meal. As he ate, Ranma began replaying the events ever since he had been transformed. Ranma had encountered some tigers a couple of days ago and had not even felt the slightest bit of fear. He then recalled what Genma had told him about the Cat Fist. Nine years ago? "What is the Cat Fist?" A young Ranma asked. "The Cat Fist is a powerful chi technique that allows a martial artist to focus his inner energies to become as fast and as agile as a cat!" Genma explained as he wrapped his son in fish sausage. "Chi?" "Yes. Chi is the energy that is generated by all living things. A trained martial artist can focus his chi and use it to increase his speed, strength, and even strike from a distance without touching them! The Cat Fist is reputed to be one of the most powerful techniques that utilizes chi!" "So how does it work?" "Like this!" With these words, Genma shoved Ranma into the pit. Present day? Ranma shuddered at the memory. Although he hated his father for forcing him to undergo the training, he then realized that what he had done to the bear must have been some form of chi attack. Looking back at the remains of his dinner, Ranma stared at it for a long time, trying to cause it to catch fire. For a long time, he simply stared intensely at it. However, he couldn't even cause a single spark. Finally giving up, he lay himself down for a nap. Perhaps he could try again in the morning. The next day, Ranma had decided to forgo his usual morning run and sat in the cave meditating. He had often heard that meditation helped a martial artist gain focus over his inner energies. As he sat in silence, he began to feel a slight tingle that went through his body. Opening his eyes, he saw a slight red aura being emitted. He grinned. It was his battle aura. He had never been able to generate any of it as a human, but in his feline form, added to the Cat Fist training, must have been enough for him to harness some of his chi. Ranma looked back at the bones of the boar he had eaten the previous night. He stared intently at the remains, imagining it as the bear he had fought. He concentrated. Harder and harder. But still nothing happened. He increased his concentration, and noticed that his battle aura began to increase its brightness. He then let off a roar as twin beams of hot chi energy blasted forth and charred the bones to ashes. Ranma looked in awe at what he had done. He had harnessed his chi. One month later? The saber-toothed tiger that was once Ranma Saotome was busy practicing stealth techniques as he moved deeper into the forest. Despite his size, he had learned how to move with nary a sound. This skill was especially useful in avoiding detection during his hunting excursions. Ever since his encounter with the Amazons, there had been many more hunting parties lurking about. Despite his mastery over his new chi technique, Ranma had decided not to fight these Amazons since they outnumbered him a hundred to one, and he had no intention of becoming a trophy. It seemed that longtooth necklaces, saber-toothed tiger rugs and tigerskin clothes had become all the rage. He had eavesdropped on several of the hunting groups and had become nauseous whenever he heard the women talk about using his innards for stew and various body parts for magic potions and talismans. On several occasions, he had been chased up and down the mountains and through the forests with hordes of fierce Amazons on his tail. Most of the hunting groups would return with various bruises and other injuries after failing to catch their elusive prey. A fortnight after the first encounter in the Amazon village? <"So Shampoo, did you get the tiger this time?"> Aloe snickered as she greeted her fellow warrior. Shampoo's hunting party was a sorry sight. They were badly bruised and their weapons were either bent out of shape or broken. Their clothes were tattered and nearly half of the Amazons were unable to stand on their own. Those who could stand were being used to lean against by those who couldn't. The most striking feature was that everyone was soaking wet. <"Shut up Aloe! We almost had it!"> <"Sure you did."> Aloe said in a smug and sarcastic tone. <"Admit it! You came no closer to catching the beast than you did the last time!"> <"That cat is not natural I tell you!"> Shampoo protested. <"I swear it doesn't act like a wild animal!"> <"What makes you think so?"> Shampoo and Aloe turned to see the elder Cologne approach them. <"Hello great-grandmother."> <"So tell me Shampoo, why do you think this tiger is different? I'll admit that long toothed cats are a rarity. Aside from what you told me about it that first time, it shouldn't be any different than a regular tiger."> <"Great-grandmother, that tiger is just too cunning by half! It keeps on avoiding Conditioner's best traps! It seems to know that our livestock is off-limits! Today was a really bad day! We thought we had it cornered near the mountainside near the waterfall, but it somehow outsmarted us! I don't know how, but it got away and?"> <"You and your party ended up taking a trip down the waterfall?"> Cologne finished. Shampoo's expression was dark as she nodded. <"I'm not sure, but I think that tiger was laughing at us!"> The present? During this time, Ranma had also developed some new fighting moves, based on what he had remembered from reading from the Cat Fist manual. As a result, he had become even stronger and faster than before. He had also become tougher. On one encounter with the Amazons, he had been shot three times in the right flank at a distance of fifty yards. However, the arrows simply bounced off his hide with no damage whatsoever. One night, as he was tearing into a deer, Ranma began to think back over what he had accomplished since his transformation. He had conquered his fear of cats, albeit by a drastic method. He had learned to control his chi. He was faster, stronger and possessed more power than he ever possibly dreamed of. He was free of Genma and had complete control over his life. He should be happy. He wasn't though. With the Amazons continually hunting him, he was reminded that they saw him as beast, and not as a human. He could never even think to get close to anyone again. That meant that he would never have a chance to see his mother. With a tired sigh, he decided to put those thoughts away as he finished eating his meal. After cleaning himself off, he decided to practice focusing his inner energies some more. On a whim, he decided to try something new. Focusing his chi inward instead outward, Ranma began to build up power within him, then redirect it into his body, rather than let it be emitted into his surroundings. This effect caused him to feel a slight dizziness. Shaking his head, he continued to build up power. The strain began to build. After another five minutes, the process became unbearable. His forehead was covered in sweat beads and he could feel his body temperature rise. After ten more minutes, he decided to end the experiment and tried to relax. That was when he discovered that he couldn't. The buildup of power continued, even though Ranma tried to consciously will the process to stop. The power within him began to swell and his body began to flare in pain. He let off a startled roar as his power level suddenly jumped dramatically. He desperately tried to regain his focus, but his body wouldn't listen. Finally, it was too much for him to handle and he passed out. Sometime later, Ranma came to with a splitting headache. Letting out a tired moan, he used his hands to prop himself up to a sitting position. The martial artist looked down at himself and his eyes widened as he discovered that he had been returned to human form. Instead of black fur, claws and fangs, he had skin, fingers and normal teeth! "ALL RIGHT!!! I'M BACK!!!" Ranma cried out as he stood up. He promptly fell back down on his rear as his legs buckled under his weight. "Oof!" Ranma looked in confusion at his legs as he felt very little strength in them. As he stared at his lower limbs, he noted that he was also wearing the same gi that he had on at Jusenkyo. He then tried another attempt to stand, but this too failed. After landing on his backside again, he let off a tired sigh and lay down on his back. As he stared at the cave's ceiling, he started to ponder his situation. After a moment, he came to a conclusion. Feeling too exhausted to ponder the new development any further, Ranma fell asleep. Another month later? Ranma walked down the forest trail in his human form. He paused to look back at the cave which had been his home for three months. Over the last four weeks, the son of Genma Saotome had discovered that he did indeed had the ability to control his transformations. During that time, he had practiced the technique until he could trigger the change almost instantaneously and with very little strain. It had almost become second nature to him. While he was learning this skill, he had also continued with his martial arts training. It was at that time he discovered his sudden increase in skill level and ability as a human. He noticed that he was at least six inches taller than before and had a lot more muscle. His strength was about twenty-five times higher than normal. His speed, agility and reflexes were also greater than before and he moved with amazing ease and grace, despite his increase in height and mass. His human senses of hearing, smell, touch and taste were about three to four times better than normal and he still possessed night vision and the ability to sense faint heat emanations. His sixth sense was also intact. Best of all, he now had full, conscious control of the Cat-Fist! He could now use his hands like claws to effortlessly slice through wood, stone and even metal! Best of all, the madness of the Neko Ken and his fear of cats was history! He could even fire off his chi blasts from his eyes as a human! It took a while, but the martial artist realized that somehow, the powers of his feline form were partially transferring over into his human body. As a result, he had taken on catlike traits. Although he only had about 40% of his overall feline ability in human form, he was still far more powerful than he ever dreamed possible. During the last two weeks, Ranma had set about developing new moves, based on what he had read in the Cat Fist manual and his experiences as a tiger. By the time he was ready to set out to rejoin the world, he had improved on the original Cat Fist and created several new techniques. In short, Ranma had become a true student of Neko Ken. He was no longer limited to the Anything Goes Martial Arts. The new Ultimate Neko Ken had more appeal. As Ranma traveled deeper into the woods, he pondered on what to do next. He had no money or supplies. His backpack had been left at Jusenkyo three months ago. Although he had decided to learn to speak Chinese, he was still lost in China and had nothing but the gi on his back. After a while, the fifteen-year old martial artist tried to think of any good points about his father. However for the life of him, he couldn't come up with anything that could even remotely be considered as a redeeming quality. Genma had been a scheming, conniving, greedy, and opportunistic person. Sure he raised Ranma, but under his parenting, Ranma had become egotistical, arrogant and had very poor social skills. He had been isolated and alone for almost all his life with no one but Genma to talk to. His father had made him steal, lie and cheat, while maintaining that it was for the sake of the Art! Ranma had always questioned his mode of thinking. He knew it wasn't honorable to do these things. Then again, Genma had very little in the way of honor, other than he used it as an excuse to make him train. With a tired sigh, Ranma decided that despite all of his failings, Genma was still his father. As a dutiful son, he had to go find him. With that in mind, he set off to the place where it all began; Jusenkyo. To be continued? Author's Notes. This rewrite is mostly just to clear up mistakes and gaps. People were wondering where the grizzly bear had come from, so I gave an explanation. I also expanded the encounters with the Amazons a little more.