Cat Fist Fury Disclaimer: It wasn't my fault, really. < >: Thoughts <" ">: Chinese language Chapter 18 The Origin of the Neko Ken Part 1 Ranma wiped his brow after he lifted a huge stone block and set it down into place to form part of the outer wall. He was only wearing a pair of black pants. His skin glistened with sweat as the hot noonday sun beat down on him. He had been working nonstop since dawn, but didn't show any appreciable signs of tiring. The Shaolin priests had decided to break for lunch, but Ranma had continued working. He was enjoying the constant exertion of labor as it helped work away the tension of his recent past. It had been a week since Ranma had left Japan and come to his old acquaintances at the unfinished temple. Since arriving at this simple fishing village near the eastern coast of China, Ranma had been living with the monks and had been helping out in constructing the temple. For a while, he had discovered a rare peace as none of the problems he had in Tokyo had followed him. He had been given a respite from those troubles. His old mentor in meditation, the head Shaolin priest Tung Kwai, had welcomed him with open arms and had helped him as he tried to regain the focus he had learned a year ago. Ranma still refused to tell the aged priest about his defeat at the hands of White Claw. Tung had decided to give his old student some space, but he knew that Ranma would have to open up eventually. <"It is time to rest, young tiger."> Tung said as he brought a tray of food for Ranma. <"I'm not tired, Master Tung."> Ranma waved off the offered tray and continued to stack the stone blocks. <"Even a strong lad such as yourself must rest and eat."> Ranma paused as he looked at the food on the tray. It was then that his stomach growled a bit. The Neko Ken fighter smiled, as he shook his head and sat down to eat with the priest. As they ate, they conversed quietly as Ranma finally decided to give his mentor the details of why he had left Tokyo. <"Well now Kojiro? or do you prefer the name Ranma?"> Ranma shook his head and replied. <"I would be most happy if you were to never call me by that name again."> The priest nodded as he saw the slight anger and pain in the boy's eyes. <"Very well, young tiger. Kojiro it is. In any case, how do you like being here so far?"> <"It's been great, Master. Compared to what I had experienced back in Japan, I really don't mind the hard work. Sometimes, I wonder if I should ever go back. There's not really anything back there that I want or need."> Ranma felt a bit of sadness at leaving his friends behind so abruptly, especially Ukyo. <"Speaking of things that you left behind, do you not think that it's time you told me as to what appened in Japan and what made you return to us? As I remember a year ago, you left our temple when you had thought you had achieved the spiritual guidance you needed to control the raging spirit within you."> <"I thought I had, but now some people had entered into my life. One person I was glad to see. Another I hoped I'd never see again and?"> <"One who had defeated you in battle with the same fighting style, the Neko Ken."> Tung finished. Ranma nodded as he took a deep breath and began his story. Meanwhile, back in Japan? Akane moaned as she lay in her bed. Kasumi was at the moment wiping her brow with a damp towel Beside her, Genma, Soun, and Nabiki stood by as they looked down at the proud, yet extremely temperamental heir to the Tendo Dojo (which incidentally had no right to be called a dojo with its sign gone). "Ow! That White Claw guy cheated! I wasn't ready!" Akane moaned, as her eldest sister applied some iodine to some new cuts she had gained after challenging the person who had taken their sign. Nabiki shook her head and said, "You charged in there when you weren't ready? Akane, I can't believe just how stubborn you are. This was what, the second time you lost to him in one week? He's given us ten chances to get the dojo's sign back and we now have seven left. You think that by just rushing in and swinging your fists, that you can beat this guy? Daddy and Mr. Saotome have been training all their lives and even they couldn't beat him." She gestured to the two men, who were also sporting bandages on their heads, arms and upper torsos. "I'll get him next time!" Akane rose to sit up, but she winced as the pain of her cuts and bruises came back to her, forcing her to lie down again. "Akane, please you must lie still and give your wounds time to heal." Kasumi said in a concerned tone. "Oh Akane! How proud you have made me by your valiant efforts to restore our family's honor!" Soun started a weeping spree that made Niagara Falls look like a leaky faucet. Genma however, was a bit more in touch with reality as he began assessing the situation. "Well, that may be Tendo, but that doesn't change the fact that this White Claw happens to be a lot more formidable than even the Master." Genma shuddered at the thought of the ancient lecher. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you asked, Happosai was still recovering from the mauling that Ranma had given him. Even so, Happosai may not be enough to defeat this Neko Ken master. If White Claw was able to trounce Ranma, then the outlook for the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts seemed dim. For the past week, Akane had trained hard and then challenged to get the dojo's sign back. Predictably, her anger and wounded pride, rather than her common sense had been leading her. Flashback? "I've come for the dojo's sign!" Akane shouted as she came to the hotel where White Claw was staying. After losing that first time, Soun's daughter had exploded into a fit of rage and vowed to get the sign back. She had started by going through hours of intense training, which mainly consisted of breaking stacks of bricks and other inanimate objects. The Neko Ken fighter's elderly servant gestured for her to follow him to an empty lot behind the hotel where White Claw was practicing. Genma and Soun were with her as they served as witnesses to the match. White Claw was dressed in a simple white gi and smiled mockingly at his opponent. He saw the look in her eyes and then assessed her. "Hmmm. You've got to be kidding. Do you seriously think you could defeat me with such pathetic skills?" "Shut up and fight!" Akane went into a stance. The Cat Fist warrior shrugged as he stood in a neutral position with his arms crossed and waited for his adversary to make the first move. "Very little kitten, let me see your claws." "Arrgh!" Akane yelled as she rushed at her foe with fists flying. WHAM! BAM! SLASH! "Well, that was good half-second of amusement." White Claw was just brushing off his hands as Akane was in a crumpled heap behind him. Her clothes had been ripped apart and were in tatters, as she lay sprawled on the ground. Her body was covered in small cuts and bruises as she moaned in pain and disbelief. "Akane!" Soun cried out as he and Genma rushed to her side and crouched to see to her injuries. "Ho hum. I would have though she'd last at least two seconds." White Claw remarked with boredom. "It seems that she hasn't been training very hard. Then again, what can I expect from a school that has her father and Genma Saotome for members? Absolutely pathetic." "What?! How dare you insult the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts?!" Soun said as he got up and faced off against White Claw. He had ascertained that his daughter was relatively all right, as she only had the wind knocked out of her. "For the honor of our school and our family, I challenge you!" "Oh really?" The Cat Fist martial artist smiled as he assessed Akane's father. "Then I take it, you also wish to challenge me to regain your dojo's sign?" "I do! I, Soun Tendo of the Tendo School of the Anything Goes Martial Arts do hereby challenge you!" Soun went into his battle stance. White Claw shrugged and said, "Well, since you are a member of the Anything Goes, I can accept your challenge for the sign, but I don't think it would be much of a fight. Why don't we make things more? interesting?" His smile became even more evil-looking. "You and your friend may attack me both at the same time. You can use any technique you wish. There are no rules to this challenge." "Huh?" Genma said as White Claw looked at him. "You are a member of the Anything Goes, Genma Saotome. You also have the right to challenge me for the sign." Genma was a bit surprised from this sudden generosity, and Soun pounced on this chance as he whispered to his friend. "Saotome! This is our chance! Between the two of us, we can take him!" "I don't know Tendo. It's too easy." Genma was a bit uneasy at this opportunity. "One man against two masters of the Anything Goes? Come on Saotome! We can beat him!" Genma looked back at the Neko Ken fighter who had just produced a long strip of cloth and was in the process of tying his right arm behind his back. The head of the Saotome clan was a little confused. White Claw smiled as he finished with his task. His right arm was securely tied behind his back with the cloth looped around his neck and across his chest. "How about I add this as a handicap? I'll only fight you with one arm tied behind my back. I'll sweeten the deal even more. I know all about your plans to join the two schools, but Genma's son is very unwilling to fulfill it. If you can defeat me, I promise that I can get Ranma for you, and drive away that perverted Happosai away for good." Soun and Genma's eyes widened at the thought of the schools being joined and being forever free of the lecher. "R-Really?" Genma stuttered. "I give you my word of honor." White Claw said solemnly. "I have already defeated Ranma, so it wouldn't be any problem for me to bring him back. I also happen to know where he is. And it wouldn't take much for me to destroy Happosai either. How about it?" White Claw then turned his back to them and said. "Well come on." The temptation proved to be too great as the two disciples of Happosai charged at him. When they were about to strike, White Claw smirked and? End of flashback? Nabiki shook her head as she returned her gaze to the sorry pair. Even with his back turned to them and one arm behind his back; White Claw had made short work of Genma and Soun. "You should have known better than to have accepted that deal. And since he counts the two of you as one challenge each, we now only have seven chances to get our sign back." Genma let out a depressed sigh. Nabiki was right. They really should have known better. Soun's dreaded Demon-Head attack had proven to be totally ineffective, and White Claw had used that one free arm to slash the two of them like a paper shredder. Ranma's father had been forced to unlock several of his sealed techniques, but they too were ineffective. Genma's secret techniques of the Umisenken and the Yamisenken were rendered useless. The vacuum blades were as nothing to the chi-powered claws of their opponent. White Claw was not so easily distracted by the more dirtier tricks and Genma found himself totally outclassed. He was just too fast, too savage and almost impossible to get close enough to land any blows. He would be slashing away before they even got a chance to counter. There was just no way that they could counter White Claw's Neko Ken techniques. Happosai could have been able to stand up to him, but even then Genma wasn't sure if the ancient lecher could beat him. Other than an incentive to regain the dojo's sign, the old, perverted founder of the Anything Goes may not be willing to fight White Claw. In any case, Happosai would still be in the hospital for some time yet. No, it was clear that they needed someone who could match White Claw in that powerful fighting style. They needed Ranma. Back in China, Ranma had just finished with his tale about his encounter with White Claw. Tung took on a very ominous, and serious look as he finished with his meal and began sipping from a teacup. <"So, this? White Claw person knows of Cat Fu, does he?"> Ranma nodded sadly. <"I used every technique I had created from what I knew of the Neko Ken, but he brushed them aside like they were nothing. Even my strongest attack didn't work. And? he used some kind of attack called the?"> <"Cat Fist Fury."> Tung said simply. Ranma was more than surprised as he turned to face his mentor. <"M-M-Master Tung, you know??"> The elderly priest let off a tired sigh and nodded, as he put down the teacup and faced Ranma. <"I am sorry Kojiro. I should have told you what I knew of the Neko Ken when you first arrived here. When you came to us to learn our meditation techniques to control the raging spirit within you, I saw from the start that you had a foothold in the true Cat Fist, which is not just a single technique, but a very ancient and powerful fighting style. It was foolish of me to think that the Felinar Clan would not take notice of you, but you were so young and innocent; unaware of the raw power that you had inadvertently tapped into. I had thought that our meditation techniques would keep that power within you under control and therefore go unnoticed, but I see that the beast within cannot be restrained completely."> <"True Cat Fist? Felinar Clan? What are you talking about?"> Tung took another deep breath and waited for a moment before responding. <"Listen well, young tiger. It was due to an oath that I had taken more than sixty years ago that I could not tell you of this. However, since there is no other way that I can explain it to you, I must break that oath."> Tung gazed upon a nearby stone slab and then made a casual wave at it. Ranma's eyes narrowed as he saw Tung's fingers curl and glow with a faint light. His hand missed the block by a good foot, but then suddenly, lines appeared across the slab's surface. The stone fell apart into five neat slices as if it were like a loaf of bread. Ranma gazed at his mentor with awe and shock. <"Master? why didn't you tell me that you knew the Neko Ken?"> Tung gave him a small smile as he held up a hand and replied. <"This? What I know is just a minuscule fraction of the power that you and White Claw possesses. I am a mere novice compared to you. However, when I had finally managed to find the means to control this relatively simple technique, more than twenty people had been hideously scarred and killed? including my own mother."> <"Master, what are? you trying to say?"> Tung shook his head sadly as he began his story. <"When I was nine years old, I too had been training to be a martial artist. Like yourself, my teacher had come across a copy of the training manual for the dreaded Neko Ken and had tossed me into a pit of starving cats. I was pushed beyond the limits of my sanity and became a mindless, feral beast that would attack anyone that I perceived as a threat. When I emerged from that pit in my feral state, I could see nothing but a red haze and started slashing at anything and anyone. My? mother had come to visit me to check up on my progress and?"> The priest bowed his head and shuddered as the horrid memories of his past came back to him. <"Did she??"> Ranma found herself at a loss for words. Tung held back his tears as he struggled to compose himself. Finally he nodded as he said, <"She died in an instant when I slashed across her face."> He sniffled and choked back a bit before continuing with his tale. <"When I finally came out of that catlike state, I was so horrified to have become the unintentional killer of my mother and a group of innocent bystanders that I fled from civilization. I lived out the next year of my life like a hermit and avoided contact with anyone. I did not wish to risk being overcome by the Neko Ken's madness and endanger others."> Ranma thought for a moment, then nodded. He could understand the danger of the Cat Fist if it were turned on innocent bystanders. The only person to have suffered from his own madness was his father Genma. Since Genma was a martial artist, he was able to withstand his attack. Of course at the time, Ranma was only a boy of six when the Neko Ken madness manifested itself. He shuddered at the thought of accidentally killing someone who had no martial arts training. <"I would have remained isolated from the rest of the world if not for a kind man named Red Fang."> <"Red Fang?"> <"Red Fang is what members of the Felinar Clan called him by. He was the one who taught me how to overcome my fear of cats and helped me gain control over the madness of the Cat Fist. However, when he revealed that the Neko Ken was a martial arts discipline in itself and offered to train me in it, I refused to learn anything more of it. I feared that I might be tempted to use that power and kill another innocent being in anger or lose control again. Since then, I had sworn never to use the Cat Fist again."> <"That's the second time you've mentioned this Felinar Clan. Exactly who or what are they?"> Tung sighed again as he picked up his teacup and took another sip of it. <"The Felinar Clan is a very ancient and mysterious group of warriors that had created the Neko Ken fighting style. Their history dates back even further than the legendary Chinese Amazons. From what Red Fang had told me, the clan has been around for more than 20,000 years."> <"Twenty thousand years?! No way! That can't be possible!"> Tung shrugged as he took another sip of his tea. <"That is what Red Fang told me. I didn't believe it myself? until he transformed into a huge, red saber-toothed tiger right before my eyes!"> By now, Ranma's face had turned pale. <"He? he transformed? Like me?"> Tung nodded. <"Yes, Kojiro. Exactly like you. You see, about two hundred centuries ago, saber-toothed tigers still roamed the Earth, though in very few numbers. The Felinar Clan had adapted a fighting style based on those ferocious cats. They had even developed a way to actually transform into powerful tiger shapes and even a hybrid between man and cat."> Tung noticed Ranma suddenly becoming agitated and ascertained the reason. <"Ah, I see. You too must have realized that you could achieve a hybrid state."> Ranma reluctantly nodded. <"I thought as much."> <"But Master, this can't be true. I mean, martial arts has been around for a long time, but not THAT long! There's no way on Earth that they could have made a fighting discipline 20,000 years ago! I thought that people would still be living in caves and hunting with spears and stuff."> <"And? who said that the Felinar Clan was from Earth?"> Ranma took on a skeptical and confused look. <"Wait a second? are you saying that the Felinar are aliens?"> Tung cocked his head for a moment and responded. <"That's? a crude way of putting it, but yes. I prefer the term, otherworldly, but they are from the stars."> <"Begging no disrespect, but you've got to be kidding."> <"I expected this kind of reaction, so I took the liberty of calling in an old friend of mine. I believe you know of him as well."> <"Who?"> Tung looked over to a pathway that lead into the forest and smiled as he saw a couple of people approaching. He gestured over to them while speaking to Ranma. <"Ah, here they are now."> Ranma looked over to where the two visitors were approaching and his eyes widened in shock. The first person was a tall man with a neatly trimmed beard and wore black clothing. The Neko Ken fighter instantly recognized the man as Dr. Theodore Diggers, who smiled at him and waved. Beside him was a person that looked like Brittany Digger's hybrid form, but was male and had striped fur instead of spots. He was dressed in a sporty outfit, was well-muscled and lacked a tail. However, he was quite feline as far as he had whiskers, fur and pointed ears. "Good day to you, Kojiro. It's been a while." Dr. Diggers said as he and his companion approached Ranma and the priest. He held out his hand, which Ranma wordlessly shook while still staring at Stripe. The archmage nodded at his confusion and gestured to Brittany's husband. "Oh where are my manners? I'd like to introduce you to my son-in-law, Stripe of the Kryn." "Hi there." Stripe greeted good-naturedly. Ranma continued to stare. A long while later? "So let me get this straight." Ranma said after Dr. Diggers and Stripe had finished with explaining about the Kryn. He had also told the archmage and the Kryn about his encounter with White Claw. "Fifty thousand years ago, these Kyn? landed on Earth with another race called the Atlanteans and set up the city called El Dorado?" "That's right Kojiro." The archmage nodded as he sipped from a cup of tea. "Tung and I go way back and he called me the day after you arrived here. When I left Japan after our meeting, I decided to look more into the Neko Ken and its origins. That's when Stripe here told me about the Felinar Clan." Stripe nodded. "That's right. What Tung here told you is true. Around the time when we landed on Earth, expeditionary groups were sent out to search for a place to settle. The main group finally came to South America and founded the city of El Dorado. However, a small group was sent to Asia and wasn't heard from again until the era when the Roman Empire fell. By that time, they had developed into a new subspecies of Kryn that could transform into huge cats and even created a fighting style that you know as the Neko Ken." "Whoa." Ranma was more than flabbergasted at this new information. Stripe continued on with his story. "The Kryn at El Dorado have had limited contact with the Felinar Clan, which what they now called themselves. We have maintained peaceful relations with them, but they still prefer to remain distant from us and we've very little information about them or their fighting style. From what we've been able to gather, the Felinar have been isolated for millennia until around 1525 BC. I believe that they were revered in Egypt, China, India and other parts of Asia. In Egypt, they were thought to be messengers of Bast, the Cat Goddess, but they always kept their appearances to a minimum. They were seen as mysterious, mythological beings and great warriors. Besides my people, very few others knew that they existed. However, around five hundred years ago, they suddenly vanished from sight and that was when people maddened by the Neko Ken had started popping up. Apparently, some individuals had attempted to duplicate the Neko Ken, but since they only had myths and legends to go on, it's obvious that some things were misread or done wrong in the training procedure." Ranma nodded at that, remembering how his idiotic father had neglected to read that final page. "So where are they now?" "The Felinar still exist today. They've only resurfaced about a hundred and fifty years ago and keep to themselves. They are fewer in number, but they do have vast connections and holdings throughout the world. They also seem to appear only when a person is stricken by the Neko Ken. There are several unreported cases in which a person is driven mad by the Neko Ken and then disappear without a trace." Ranma trembled a bit as he remembered what White Claw had told him about what had happened to people who had been trained in the Neko Ken. "Do you think that the Felinar are the ones responsible?" "Most likely. However, by this time, my people have not heard from the Felinar as they refuse to answer any of our communications. The last message that we received from them was five hundred years ago and it had said that the clan was being led by a new faction. We suspect that these people and their descendants have been running the clan since then, and were the ones responsible for making all those Neko Ken sufferers vanish. Apparently, they are very protective of their fighting style. From what you told me, this White Claw person must be the current kohlinjar." "Kohlinjar?" "That's the Felinar's term for ultimate champion. That also makes him the clan enforcer." "So what's this all got to do with me?" "Apparently, the clan's present doctrine includes eliminating all outsiders who know of the Neko Ken. Since you have more skill in it than most, you have become a prime target." "Now wait a minute! I hadn't intended to learn the Neko Ken in the first place! That was all my dumb father's fault when he threw me into that pit of cats! It was by just pure dumb luck that I landed in the Spring of Monster Tiger. Lately, the Neko Ken has been giving me some problems, and I've considered giving it up completely." "It doesn't matter." Dr. Diggers said. "Even if you were to never to use the Neko Ken again, the Felinar would still hunt you down because of the potential you possess." "So what can I do?" Ranma asked with apprehension. "White Claw beat the living daylights out of me, and he's now just waiting for me to come back and fight him again. If what you say is true, then he'll come after me if I don't show up, will he?" Ranma knew that White Claw was just toying with him, since he didn't have the skills to defeat him. Stripe nodded. "The Felinar are quite relentless. The way I see it, the only way you can get out of this is to beat White Claw. According to their laws, if the kohlinjar is defeated by an outsider in single combat, then he must step down from his position. Furthermore, the outsider would be given honorary status in the clan and recognized as one of its warriors, thereby becoming exempt from the death order. Mind you, we don't have a complete understanding of their laws or how much has changed since we last heard from them." "But, White Claw is incredibly strong. Even if I hadn't been tired out when I fought him, he was still better than me. He knows all about the Neko Ken. I don't." "Then you must learn from someone who does know." Tung said. "Who?" Ranma asked. "The same person who told me about the Neko Ken and the Felinar. Red Fang." Meanwhile, back in Japan? "So now the Kryn are involved." "Yes Master." The servant replied. "Our spies had sighted the leader of the Kryn and Dr. Theodore Diggers heading toward the area where Ranma Saotome had last been seen." "Interesting." White Claw stroked his chin as he gazed out the window of his hotel room. "No matter. I expected that my opponent would learn of the Felinar eventually. Hmmm, it will be very exhilarating to face him again." White Claw gave his servant a smug smile. "I will battle this Ranma at his fullest potential. Killing a weak opponent sickens me. Ranma Saotome will provide me with the ultimate challenge! A victory worth savoring." "But sir? he may just defeat you." "As I said before, what good is the title of kohlinjar if it is not for the risking?" "But sir? if he does defeat you, then he will become the NEW kohlinjar, not just an outsider exempt from the death order." White Claw chuckled. "Yes, who would have thought that he was already a Felinar. I was very surprised to learn of it when I read that report on him." The servant nodded as he said. "Yes, when we did that background check on him, we found out about his trip to Jusenkyo. When we questioned the guide, he had informed us that Ranma Saotome had fallen into the Pool of Drowned Monster Tiger." "Yes, well that was twenty thousand years ago and the Guides did not know about our clan. They named it the Spring of Drowned Monster Tiger, when it should have been called the Spring of Drowned Felinar. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" To be continued? Author's notes Well, that takes care of part one. Part two will reveal more about the Felinar Clan and the Neko Ken as Ranma meets up with Tung's mentor, Red Fang. Stay tuned!