Crossover Crisis Side Story 2 Disclaimer: Do I really have to repeat myself? Oh well. Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2 and any other anime character mentioned in this story belongs to his/her creators. P-Ranma: Fist of the Pikachu (Trainer) T-Ranma: Ranmatech (Prototype) D-Ranma: Dragon Child (Draco) Kojiro: Cat Fist Fury B-Ranma: Fighting Blind (Ranma) < >: Thoughts (* *): Computer responses Note: This story takes place some time after ch.6 of the Great Crossover Crisis Story and Cat Fist Star. The Return of the Silver Senshi Part 1 Somewhere in the space-time continuum... "Hey Prototype, what are you working on?" Trainer asked as he and the other Ranmas were spending the week in a hotel in some world that resembled ancient Japan, but all the women were all Marionettes. The Pokemon trainer had to be very careful not to show his girl side or people might mistake him for one of those pseudo-females. "Oh, well it's just a little side project that I've been tinkering with since we left that Sailor Senshi world." Prototype replied as he adjusted the settings to six devices that resembled high-tech wristwatches. P-Ranma shuddered as he remembered his role in that reality. It was bad enough that he had to go run around in a fuku to save the Sailor Senshi. What had occurred afterward still gave him nightmares. Justice Five indeed! Somebody had been watching WAY too many Power Ranger episodes! It was then that Trainer noticed something. "Hey wait a minute. I count six of those Power Armor activators. We only used four. You didn't use one when you went through that Armor Energizing nonsense, since you already had that high-tech Exo-Armor of yours." "Yes, well the other two were backups that I had made just in case we needed the extra firepower." The technological Ranma replied as he finished with his adjustments. "So... do they work?" T-Ranma grinned as he said, "Why? Do you want to be Sailor Silver Star again?" "No way!" P-Ranma replied frantically while wildly waving his hands. He then calmed down a bit. "I was just curious, that's all. I thought they couldn't be used again since you told us that they were all burned out after using the 100 times armor." "They were." T-Ranma confirmed. "However, I still had the blueprints to the original armor specs. I had four new activators made and augmented the remaining two. Who knows? We might have to do the superhero thing again in the future." "So these things are like the originals?" "Not quite. I've made certain improvements and these new bands will enhance the biostructure of the wearer so that he can take the increased power output better. The old ones could only augment the wearer's innate abilities by a factor of ten and one hundred respectively. Remember the Ultra and Mega Armor? These new ones can increase a person's powers by a factor of one thousand. I think I'll call it... Hyper Armor Energizing." T-Ranma chuckled a bit. "Oh and here's a new little addition." He gestured to a connector outlet on the side of one of the wristbands. "With this little device, TWO people can combine their powers together into one singular being." "Really? You mean that two people can merge into one?" "That's right. Think of the possibilities. A Cat Fist martial artist with the Unseen Light. A Pokemon trainer with dragon powers. Of course, I haven't really tested this new process out yet, but the theory is sound and it SHOULD work." "Let's hope that we never have to use them." Trainer said. "I tend to agree with you on that." T-Ranma said. "Especially since the hyper-level armor mode may be too much for any one person to handle, despite having one's body enhanced to its utmost potential. Remember how much of a strain it put on you guys after you went through the ultra and mega levels? Your bodies became so hyper-metabolic that you guys ate enough in one sitting to feed an entire division for a month. If we ever have to use these things again, then it would best that you DON'T try to go to hyper level. Your metabolisms may not be able to withstand such a strain and burn out completely. Heck, it would even tax MY body." ---------- A week later, in the dimensional vortex on board T-Ranma's ship... "Well guys, here we go again. So which way should we go this time? One set coordinates is as good as another." T-Ranma said as he gestured to a nearby monitor which had a long list of coordinates displayed on it. "How about these coordinates?" Trainer asked as he tapped a finger on some numbers. On his shoulder was his Pikachu. His other Pokemon were resting in their Pokeballs on his belt. Prototype shook his head. "Nope. We've already been there. Those coordinates lead to that Sailor Senshi world." "Then let's not go there again!" Trainer remarked as his counterparts snickered a bit. ---------- Meanwhile, in the place beyond and between all places (better known as the Realm of Infinity), Ranma Red and Ranma Blue watched via a mystical viewer as the ship continued to cruise through the dimensional vortex. "Well, Trainer's right. They don't need to go back to that world. They did the job that we sent them to do in that reality." Ranma Red said. "Yes and..." Ranma Blue paused as he saw something else happening in the space-time continuum. "Uh oh." "What?" His brother asked as he gazed at the scene happening in the viewer. He nodded and turned to his twin. "Looks like they're going to be needed again in that world. The danger that's coming is something that the Sailor Senshi can't handle by themselves." "Yep. But it wouldn't do if we sent them all back to that world. It would look a bit suspicious." "Hmm, you're right. How about just one of them?" "That could work. I'd say that the Silver Senshi is about to make a comeback, don't you think?" "Usual way?" "Yeah, though I REALLY HATE doing this to any one of them!" "I do too, but how else can we give the Sailor Senshi the help they need? We have to make it look like an accident. So are you ready?" "Ready." ---------- Trainer was sitting near the transport controls as the ship began to head toward a point in the nexus. It was at that moment that a quantum surge suddenly lashed out and struck hard against the shields of the craft. This caught everyone totally off guard as they were thrown from their seats. P-Ranma winced as he landed hard on his rear. A large box that was on the console fell into his lap. Raiden managed to hold onto his perch on P-Ranma's shoulder as his master struggled to get up. As he reached for the edge of the console, his fingers brushed against a certain panel and touched a series of buttons in a specific sequence. It was then that T-Ranma noticed where his counterpart's hand was. "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Too late. P-Ranma had accidentally activated the transporter controls. In an instant, the Pokemon trainer, his Pikachu and the box in his lap disappeared in a flash of light. Prototype winced as his group was once again short one member. However, he couldn't deal with that problem at the moment as he had to guide his craft and the rest of his party to safety. He told his counterparts to brace themselves as the cruiser broke through the dimensional fabric of reality and entered another universe... without Trainer, who was instantly transported to a separate, yet very familiar world. ---------- Universe HIJ5664000XX... "Don't worry guys. This one's on me!" (*Affirmative!*) The Angel didn't know what hit it as a blast of anti-matter ripped through its AT field as if it was nothing. The monstrosity was destroyed in a heartbeat, leaving only a large smoking crater in its passing. Asuka, Rei, Misato and the other EVA pilots could only stare in awe after seeing the fifth Angel this week go up in smoke. In the last five days, the strangers had destroyed each and every Angel with unbelievable ease. The first day, the blind one had destroyed an Angel with a concentrated blast of energy which he called a Spirit Beam. The next day, the second look-alike had morphed into some huge phantom tiger and reduced the attacking Angel to shreds. The third day, a huge winged lizard had appeared and torched the Angel with a fiery breath. The following day, that same giant beast had torn apart an Angel with its huge claws. Now today, the leader of that party had made some huge cannon appear and obliterated the enemy so casually, that he looked almost bored with causing mass destruction.. As of now, the EVA pilots were feeling superfluous. The scientists were itching to learn the secrets of the newcomers. T-Ranma lowered the Annihilator and sighed. They had been in this world for more than five days and they had been fighting Angels nonstop. By week's end his quantum phase drive should be ready for them to depart. He could only hope that Trainer would be still be alive when they reached him. He knew where P-Ranma was from the last coordinates that the transporter had sent him to. He could only guess as to what he had been doing since they were separated. As of now, until they were able to leave, the remaining Ranmas had to do everything in their power to avert the catastrophe that would follow the Third Impact. ---------- Five days earlier, in that particular universe... "NOOOOOO! NOT AGAIN!" P-Ranma moaned as he recognized his surroundings. "Pika." Raiden replied with a helpless shrug. Trainer and his Pikachu had just materialized in the middle of a deserted street and his gaze was fixated on a store window of a toy store. He saw a certain action figure that was being offered at a discounted price as interest in the character had steadily declined since the last time he was here. In big letters, the sign proclaimed, 'All Silver Senshi dolls andmerchandise, 50% off.' "How did we end up here again, Raiden?" P-Ranma asked his Pikachu. Raiden could only shrug and reply, "Pika, pi." "I don't know either, but... wait a minute! You don't suppose that transporter of Prototype's sent us to those coordinates that he showed us, do you?" Raiden cocked his head to one side in thought, then nodded in agreement. "Pikachu!" "So that what I touched when I reached for the console." Pokemon Ranma realized. "But, if that's the case, then how do we get back to the others?" Raiden had no answer for his master. It was then that he and his trainer noticed the box lying on the pavement near them. P-Ranma realized that it was the same box that had landed in his lap. He went over and picked it up. Opening the top, he looked into it and saw that it contained the six new Power Armor Activators that T-Ranma had been working on. Nodding to himself, he closed the box and took stock of what was on his person. He had with him his belt of Pokeballs and the Pokedex. He was wearing his cyberweave bodysuit, which was currently mimicking the clothes that he usually wore on the Pokemon World. Clipped on his belt, he had the new micro-survival unit that T-Ranma had issued to his counterparts after that incident in the Outlaw Star universe in case any of them were separated. Each device had access to its own subspace pocket, which contained various items, including a sizable store of food, emergency equipment such as flares, and first-aid supplies, and a limited amount of gold and precious gems for currency. P-Ranma also noted that he still had a spare dispenser of that instant hair color that he had used to change his hair to silver-blonde the last time he was here. That was part of his disguise as the Silver Senshi. P-Ranma's thoughts were interrupted as he heard a loud explosion nearby. He looked at his Pikachu, who nodded in agreement and they both ran toward the direction of the disturbance was taking place. He began to get even more worried when he heard screams and some familiar voices. "LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!" "FLAME SNIPER!" "WAAAAAHHHHH! THEY'RE TOO STRONG!" P-Ranma turned the corner and saw a scene of carnage. There they were... the Inner Senshi and they were up to their fuku-clad necks in trouble. By the looks of the devastated streets around them, they had been fighting hard against some huge monstrous... monsters for some time and they seemed to be on the brink of exhaustion. Sailor Jupiter, Mercury and Chibi-Moon were already down for the count and the remaining Senshi were about to join them as the youma continued to advance on them. Jupiter was lying unconscious beside Mercury and Chibi-Moon. Mars and Venus were launching attack after attack at their enemies but to no avail as they were forced back to where Sailor Moon and their fallen comrades were. Things looked pretty bad. "Pika! Pikachu!" Raiden tugged at his master's leg. "I know they need help, Raiden! But what should we...." Trainer's voice trailed off as he realized what his Pokemon was thinking. "Oh no! Not again! The last time was bad enough! Do you realize how drafty that fuku was?" "Pika!" P-Ranma winced as his favorite Pokemon gave him the dreaded, puppy-dog pleading look. He never could resist Raiden when he did that. "Pika! Pika! Pika!" "Oh all right already!" "Pikachu!" Raiden said joyfully. "Raiden, return!" Trainer said as he recalled his Pikachu into his Pokeballand then ran toward a nearby outdoor water fountain. ---------- "Our Mistress will be pleased!" The blob-like youma sneered as he and his comrades had the remaining Senshi cornered and weakened. "Yes! We shall succeed where Blodia had failed!" The second youma said as they all prepared to let loose with one final barrage. The ambush had worked perfectly and soon the Sailor Senshi would be no more than a memory. Nothing could stop them now. Sailor Moon, Mars and Venus all stood defiantly between their enemy and their helpless comrades. If they were going to die, then they would do so together. "SILVER BOLT FLASH!" It was at that moment that a brilliant flash of silver suddenly exploded in front of their eyes and a familiar speech was heard. "To protect the universe from devastation!" A pop was heard as a Pokeball appeared and released what was inside. "Pikachu!" "To destroy all evil without hesitation!" Another Pokeball was thrown. "Pidgooo!" "To defend the sailor-suited warriors of truth and love!" "Machop!" "BY KICKING BAD GUY BUTT TO THE STARS ABOVE!" "Neigh!" "We are... the Silver Senshi and her Elemental Allies!" "Golduck!" "We are the champions of justice and light!" "Sandslash!" "Surrender now or get ready to fight!" The youma were just recovering from the sudden flash of light when they all gasped at the sight of P-Ranma in his female form and dressed in his Silver Senshi costume. Behind him, the Pokemon were all powering up their battle auras as the Sailor Senshi could only gape in total disbelief. At that moment, news crews and their cameras began to arrive on the scene. The reporters were also stunned to see the return of the mysterious Senshi. "Silver Senshi! It's you!" Sailor Moon cried out. P-Ranma smiled at Usagi and nodded. "That's right Sailor Moon. I'm BAAAAAAAACCCCCK! RAIDEN! THUNDERBOLT ATTACK!" "Pikachu!" One of the attacking youma howled as a massive blast of electricity lanced out and lit it up like a Christmas tree. It was then knocked down as the Pikachu flashed forward and knocked it down with a Lightning Tackle. Before the beast could even think to retaliate, Raiden went into a flurry of kicks and punches, appearing to all as a yellow streak that buzzed around the youma like a maddened dragonfly. Then, the area exploded in a flash of brilliance as the Pikachu's aura sent his enemy skyward. "PIKA... CHUUUUU!" The youma could only let of a howling scream of agony as the Pikachu let loose with one final burst of high-voltage and fried his enemy into a cinder. Anyone like their youma extra crispy? The remaining bad guys were in a state of shock, (pardon the pun), after seeing a cute little mouse toast one of their comrades. They were soon fighting for their lives as the rest of the Silver Senshi's 'Elemental Allies' shot forward at their mistress' command. The battle area was soon being devastated as psychic blasts, ice beams, flames and ki blasts shot out to pummel the ones who had nearly destroyed the Inner Senshi. P-Ranma ran to where Sailor Jupiter lay as her Pokemon continued to defend the other Senshi. She knelt down and put one arm behind Makoto's back, propping her head up as she assessed the Senshi's injuries. Though Makoto's Senshi costume gave her a very high degree of protection, it was apparent that Sailor Jupiter had been hit extremely hard. Judging by her weak ki signature, P-Ranma saw that she just barely hanging on. It was if something or someone had drained a very large portion of her precious life energies. Her costume was torn and tattered in numerous places and her body had several large bruises. P-Ranma suspected that she had received a bad concussion and glanced over to where Sailor Mercury and Chibi-Moon lay and sensed that they too were badly injured, though not to as great extent as Makoto was. The Silver Senshi then applied a hand to the back of Makoto's head and lent her a portion of her own ki to revive her. She smiled as Makoto's eyelids fluttered, then opened as Sailor Jupiter let off a weak moan. ---------- Meanwhile, in another dimension, certain sinister figures were observing the new turn of event with surprise and disgust. "What?! WHO IS THAT?!" ""I don't know, but she is ruining all of our plans! Were it not for her interference, in less than a minute, the Sailor Senshi would have been no longer be a threat to our invasion!" "We cannot allow her to stop us when we are so close to our ultimate goal!" "Yes, we have planned long and hard for this day. Capturing the Outer Senshi and using their power to fuel our minions without wasting our own precious reserves of energy was a stroke of genius! What better way to defeat the other Senshi then by using pawns who draw their power from the same sources as the Senshi?" The second figure nodded as they both glanced over to their captives, who were chained to a wall and had several slimy tendrils attached to them. The psuedopods glowed with a crimson light and Sailor Saturn, Neptune and Uranus would scream out in agony as more of their life energies were sucked away. Beside them, in a large crystal monolith, Sailor Pluto was encased and in a state of suspended animation. "It took much to catch the Outer Senshi off guard, especially with that blasted Guardian of Time." The first figure commented. "Yes, but her obsession with making her precious Crystal Tokyo a reality was her downfall." The second figure said. "By causing a false signal in the time stream to appear, we made her believe that a temporal rift had occurred and lured her into chrono-loop. Within that monolith, she is experiencing the same timeline of the last few days over and over again in her mind, created and maintained by her own power." "Yes, and without her, the other Senshi had no advanced warning of our arrival. It was simple matter to lure the rest of the Outers into a trap and capture them all. They were so eager to fight and destroy the enemy that manipulating their actions was mere child's play, especially with Sailor Uranus, the most headstrong and brash of the Outers." "Yes, and Sailor Neptune and Saturn were certain to follow. Now they are providing us with the power to defeat the Inner Senshi. Once they have been eliminated, we will be able to achieve what Blodia could not!" "Yes, but our plans may come to naught if we let this newcomer spoil everything!" "Then let us destroy this nuisance now! Let the power of the Outers annihilate her along with the Inners!" The two figures made a gesture toward their captive and the tendrils increased their rate of absorbing the Outers' powers and life energies. Sailor Neptune and the other Outers screamed as new pain flooded their bodies. ---------- Makoto moaned as she focused in on the person who was cradling her head. Her vision soon became clear as she saw the silver-blonde face of an old friend. She weakly smiled. "Silver... Senshi. You're... back!" "That's right Sailor Jupiter, I'm back!" P-Ranma replied as she took a quick glance at the battle. Sea Storm was protecting Sailor Moon, Mars and Venus with his psychic barrier as Wildfire was burning down two youma with his Fire Spin attack. Razor and Bruiser were taking down another pair of monsters that resembled insects, while Raiden and Wind Rider were protecting their flanks. It looked like the Pokemon had everything well in hand. Things suddenly changed when a huge black disc suddenly appeared above them and some larger, more hideous creatures dropped down from the portal and joined the others in the assault. The Pokemon found themselves being forced back as the odds began to shift against them. Makoto moaned as she tried to get up to fight, but her body had taken too much damage to be of any help. "I'm so... weak..." P-Ranma gritted her teeth. Things did not look too good as she saw her Pokemon start to lose ground. She had to go help them and by the looks of things, she would also have to use the device that was on her wrist. But she couldn't leave Sailor Jupiter and the others, especially in the state they were in. The Senshi needed something to revitalize them and they needed it now! The Pokemon trainer then came to a decision and took out another of the devices, attaching it to Makoto's wrist. (*Power Armor Activator is online. New user has been identified. Biostructure analysis is complete. Ready to initiate!*) "Huh?" Sailor Jupiter stared at the strange band with confusion as the Silver Senshi raised the arm up straight. "Sailor Jupiter... repeat after me. Ultra... Armor... Energize!" The was a long pause as Makoto considered it and decided that she had nothing left to lose. She took a deep breath, then shouted out the command phrase. "ULTRA ARMOR ENERGIZE!" There was another explosion of lightning as Sailor Jupiter was enveloped and her body floated to hover upright in midair. Her form became a white silhouette as all the injuries she had sustained were immediately restored. Then she began to pirouette with her right leg bent at the knee, her upper body arched out and her head and arms thrown back. Lightning bolts crackled in the background as they wrapped themselves around her limbs and armor units appeared to merge with her Senshi costume. "SAILOR JUPITER... ARMOR ENERGIZE TO..." Her green footwear was replaced by more stylish, emerald, knee-length boots with lightning bolt designs running up the front. The skirt became a bit longer and took on a more metallic sheen. The front of her costume which had a pretty pink bow morphed into an armored breastplate with a more fuller bosom. Apparently, the process also put her body through more... physical development in order to handle the new energy output. Makoto became three inches taller and her teenage figure became more curved with added muscle tone. Pointed epaulets appeared on her shoulders and merged with the breastplate as forearm gauntlets appeared over her white gloves. Her tiara extended its antenna and lightning-shaped winglets appeared on each side of the headpiece. Makoto struck a pose in front of a background of a thunderstorm as a small symbol of Jupiter appeared on her chest just above her heart. "... SAILOR THUNDER STRIKE!" "Sailor... Thunder Strike?!" Sailor Moon, Mars and Venus gasped as they saw a more curvaceous and slightly buffer Makoto. Sailor Jupiter was ecstatic as she felt more power coursing through her than ever before. She looked down at herself and smoothed her hands down her sides, then grinned as she flaunted her new five-feet-eleven-inch tall, 33-26-34 figure to her comrades. "Whoa! Check out these hips! I am totally bitching!" The cameramen and reporters started drooling at the sight of the Senshi who now resembled one of the exotic Amazon Warriors of Greek legend. Across the city of Tokyo, several hundred wives and girlfriends slapped their spouses and boyfriends, after the males let off cat calls and wolf whistles from seeing Makoto transform from a lanky teenage girl to a brunette bombshell, that had a figure most supermodels would kill for. Pokemon Ranma could only grin and shrug at the newly formed, vastly improved Senshi of Jupiter and then pointed to the attacking youma. "You go girl!" She then looked down at her Pikachu and pointed to Makoto. "Raiden, meet your new battle-buddy. DOUBLE-TEAM THUNDERBOLT ATTACK!" "Pika!" Raiden raced toward Makoto as she began powering up her upgraded electrical abilities. The sailor-suited warrior smiled as she glanced over and saw the electric mouse perched on her right shoulder. She then brought her hands together and a stream of sparks flowed between them. The power condensed into a long, crackling shape which she grasped like a staff in one hand. She reared back and hurled it forward like an Olympic athlete in the javelin competition. "JUPITER... THUNDER STRIKE SPEAR!" "Pikachu!" The electric rodent powered up his electric cheek pouches and let loose with a massive bolt that added to the projectile Makoto had thrown. The attack became even more intense as it flashed toward the nearest monstrosity. The beast let off a blood-curdling scream as it was hit with enough amperage to light up downtown Tokyo for a month! The discharge let off secondary bolts which took out television sets and cameras within a one-block radius as well as a dozen other enemies as they were caught in the blast. Sailor Thunder Strike stared at the crater that was all that was left of her target and then looked down at the wisps of smoke that was coming from her fingertips. She then shrugged to the Pikachu on her shoulder and blew the smoke from her fingertips. "I've got the JUICE!" P-Ranma decided to get into the act as the remaining youma decided to charge at the other Senshi and her Pokemon. She held up her device and shouted out. "ULTRA ARMOR ENERGIZE!" Once again, the Silver Senshi was engulfed in a blinding nimbus of light as her body underwent similar changes as Makoto's did. With the improved Power Armor enhancement process, Trainer's girl body, with its already impressive figure, became more curved and increased in both height and muscle tone. An armored breastplate, this one done in silver appeared, as well as newer, sleeker gauntlets and boots than the previous time, appeared and attached themselves to her. Reporters and cameramen drooled anew as Trainer became as sexy-looking as a certain Goddess of the Past that we all know of. "SILVER SENSHI.... ARMOR ENERGIZE TO..." On her back, not one, but three pairs of feathery wings sprouted and spread themselves out. Prototype had recently made a more maneuverable anti-gravity harness and the wings were now equipped with new weapon systems. She flapped them once to get a feel for them again, then took a pose in front of a star-studded background as a star insignia appeared on her chest. Once again, the Silver Senshi had become... "...SAILOR SILVER STAR!" Her belt of Pokeballs sent out beams of energy, which caused each of her Elemental Allies to increase in power. They began to push back their foes as Sailor Silver Star took to the air. She then hovered above the area and charged up her aura. She then mimicked Sailor Mars' motions of firing her Flame Sniper attack and a bow and arrow of orange-yellow energy appeared with silver-blue highlights. It was combination of her ki and Hyper Beam techniques as she took aim at the remaining monsters. "HYPER SILVER BOLT ARROW!" She let fly with her attack, which struck hard in the midst of the bad guys, vaporizing them instantly in massive hemisphere of destruction. Those who were watching were temporarily blinded. She then made a double reverse loop before landing beside the shocked Inners and Sailor Thunder Strike. She recalled her Pokemon and addressed Makoto. "We have to get the others out of here now! Maybe back to Rei's temple?" Sailor Thunder Strike paused to think about it. "Well, we could use the Sailor Senshi Teleport, but they're too hurt to try it and we need all five Inner Senshi to do it!" It was then that her wristband began flashing her a signal. (*New Ultra Armor will allow for instantaneous and multi-person teleportation. Give command phrase, Thunder Teleport.*) "Thunder... Teleport?" (*Command acknowledged.*) Before they knew it, they were all engulfed in a flash of power and then streaked off into the heavens in a bolt of lightning. The news teams were in a state of disbelief as they stared at the now deserted and devastated landscape. ---------- "Well, that was a surprise." The first master villain said as he and his partner saw the Inner Senshi and their new comrade disappear in a massive bolt of lightning. "Yes. Do you think this Silver Senshi is the same one that defeated Blodia?" The second figure asked. "It's very likely. Now our main problem is what are we going to do about it?" As the two discussed their future schemes, Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Saturn remained chained to the wall and Sailor Pluto was in her crystal prison. ---------- "All right Makoto, would you mind telling me what's been happening?" Trainer asked as he finished tending to Ami's wounds. The other Senshi had regained consciousness and had transformed back into their civilian identities. Since P-Ranma already knew their real names from the last time he was in this reality, there was no fear of revealing themselves to him, though they were still quite unnerved at the fact that the Silver Senshi was actually a boy. Sailor Jupiter had powered down her Armor and returned to being Makoto again, though she was reluctant to becoming her less-endowed self again. Beside them, Minako, Rei, Usagi and Ami sat and listened as their tallest member began filling in the details. Off to one side, Usagi's future daughter was playing with Raiden. Makoto took a deep breath and began. "Well, it all began about three months after you and the Justice Five left. You see, the Outer Senshi are missing..." To be continued... Author's notes Well, I hope this revised and expanded version of the Return of the Silver Senshi was enjoyable and filled in a few gaps that the first version had left. I had been rather rushed with that draft. In any case, stay tuned for part 2 of the second Crossover Crisis Sidestory.