The Great Crossover Crisis Disclaimer: Take my word! It's here somewhere. < >: Thoughts (* *): Computer responses Kojiro: Ranma from Cat Fist Fury T-Ranma: Ranma from Ranmatech (Prototype) B-Ranma: Ranma from Fighting Blind (Ranma) D-Ranma: Ranma from Dragon Child (Draco) P-Ranma: Ranma from Fist of the Pikachu (Trainer, Ranko) Chapter 6 Part 1 Superhero Slamfest! P-Ranma shook his head as he looked at the display window of a toy store. Behind him, Kojiro and D-Ranma smirked. Sitting on his shoulder, and invisible to any passerby due to the cloaking pendant, was his Pikachu. "I don't believe this! I'm an action figure?" The Pokemon Trainer commented as he stared at the newest addition to the Sailor Moon toy line. The package proudly showed off the new doll and her six 'Elemental Allies.' "Pika." Raiden thought that the little toy Pikachu was cool with its light-up cheek pouches. "Not a bad likeness." Kojiro remarked, while just barely holding in a snicker. "Oh shut up!" Trainer retorted as he angrily stomped off. The two other Ranmas went to follow their counterpart. "Hold up Trainer! I'm sorry. Really I am!" Kojiro said as he placed a hand on P-Ranma's shoulder. The Pokemon trainer looked back at the Cat Fist fighter and sighed. "It's all right. I guess I should have expected something like this. I thought that being the Silver Senshi was going to be a one-time deal but..." D-Ranma and Kojiro nodded compassionately. The sudden appearance of the new Senshi had several complications, especially with the media and the bad guys. They began thinking about what T-Ranma had told P-Ranma two weeks ago. Flashback... "Huh? What do you mean I have to keep being the Silver Senshi?!" T-Ranma crossed his arms and said. "Well, think about it. You and your Pokemon had just trashed a major group of villains. Those same villains almost destroyed most of the real Senshi. Now do you think those bad guys are going to let that pass? They'll be out for your blood now." "So? They won't be able to find me and besides, I'm hanging up my fuku!" T-Ranma shook his head. "It's not as simple as that. The real Senshi are now up against an evil that they can't handle by themselves. Today's little escapade proved that they need the Silver Senshi. Those bad guys are going to hurt the Sailor Senshi and the innocent bystanders even worse to get to you. I'm afraid that you're too deep into this situation now. Until this whole thing is resolved and we're sure that Senshi will be all right when we leave, I'm afraid that you will have to watch out for them as the Silver Senshi." "Why me? What about you guys? Can't you guys give them a hand?" "As I said before, we really need to keep a low profile. It was bad enough that you were forced to reveal yourself to aid them, though I don't blame you, since you had no other choice. It's a good thing that you had that disguise. We'll try to give you as much help as we can, but it would be best to minimize any more exposure to ourselves. One Ranma in this world is bad enough, but five may be too much!" P-Ranma let off a depressed moan as T-Ranma's words sunk in. End of flashback... Despite his protests, P-Ranma had reluctantly carried on with his guise of the Silver Senshi. T-Ranma's assessment of the situation had been accurate. The bad guys were not the slightest bit amused at having their mighty creations destroyed by a mere girl and her pets. Since that time, the attacks on the innocent public and the Sailor Senshi had increased in both frequency and intensity. Therefore, the five dimensional Ranmas had taken steps to keep a vigil over any danger to the Senshi and to Tokyo. D-Ranma, Kojiro and P-Ranma, (as Ranko), had registered as exchange students at the school where the Inner Senshi attended in their civilian identities. T-Ranma used his ship's sensors to monitor for any unusual activity as B-Ranma roamed the streets in his blind man's disguise. Whenever one of Blodia's minions would appear, P-Ranma would secretly become the Silver Senshi and race to the rescue, often appearing just in time to save one of the Inner or Outer Senshi. Unfortunately, each time the Silver Senshi appeared, the media would have a field day and soon enough, Ranko's alter ego had gained a huge following of fans. Silver Senshi merchandise was now flooding the stores, including lunch boxes, T-shirts, bedroom slippers, beach towels, dolls, and other things. P-Ranma thought that he would go totally nuts, if he heard one more person quoting the introduction speech that he had borrowed from Team Rocket. Although he disliked fighting the forces of evil in such a ridiculous costume, P-Ranma had to admit that the rush was exhilarating. He liked being able to cut loose and the battles did help in training his Pokemon. The fame was nice as well. Meanwhile, in the secret hideaway of Blodia, the monstrous leader of the Soul Eaters was angry. He glared at the viewing portal as he watched the Silver Senshi and her Elemental Allies destroy another one of his Soul Stealers. This time Ranko used her Hyper Beam to blow the Soul Hunter away. "ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! BLAST THAT SILVER SENSHI!" Blodia glared at his servants Necton, Haldin and Parat as they trembled before their master. For the past two weeks, the Silver Senshi had beaten seventeen of their strongest Soul Hunters as well as destroyed fifty Soul Gatherers. Things were getting desperate and the master was getting impatient at the lack of Soul Energy that they had collected. The life forces that they had drained at present were just barely enough to keep Blodia's hunger sated, but at the rate they were going, they would run out of Soul Hunters and Gatherers in less than a month. "WHO IS THIS SAILOR SENSHI?" Blodia boomed. "We do not know sir!" Necton said in a meek tone. "As you know, we had done an extensive study on this world's defenders, the Sailor Senshi, before we came here. This world is rich in soul energy and would be ours for the taking if not for those protectors. That is why we had our Soul Hunters adapted to defeat them." "SO WHY ARE THEY UNABLE TO DEFEAT THE SILVER SENSHI?" "Sir, we have very little data concerning this new Senshi and we cannot determine the full extent of her powers. Even with all the information that we collect with each battle, she would still win against the Soul Hunter, even after we modified it. Without even a general idea of her full capacities, we cannot create a Soul Hunter with enough power to defeat her! Furthermore, we still have those other Senshi to deal with as well." "OF ALL THE INCOMPETENT... WAIT! THAT'S IT!" "What is it, Master?" Haldin asked. "WE HAD BEEN GOING ABOUT THIS WRONG! SENDING ONE OR TWO SOUL HUNTERS AFTER THE SILVER SENSHI IS FAR TOO SLOW AND INEFFICIENT! WHAT WE NEED IS A GROUP EFFORT! THE SILVER SENSHI HAS THOSE ELEMENTAL CREATURES TO AID HER, SO LET US EVEN THE ODDS!" Blodia's laugh made the blood of his minions run cold as he began formulating a plan. At the City Park, Usagi and her friends were discussing things on a bench. Nearby, Kojiro, Draco and Ranko sat at another bench. Using their enhanced hearing, the Cat Fist fighter and dragon warrior listened in on their conversation. "So did you hear the latest about the Silver Senshi?" Usagi asked Minako. The blonde nodded as she replied, "Yeah. That was way cool when she blasted that Soul Hunter with that Hyper-Beam attack of hers! She's got MY powers too! So did Luna tell you anything about this Senshi during the Silver Millennium?" Usagi shook her head. "No. She says that she doesn't recall any Senshi like that. She says that this Silver Senshi might not be a real Senshi at all. "Well, whoever she is, she's awesome! If she's not a Sailor Senshi, then she should be! Hey! We ought to invite her to join our group!" Makoto said. "I'd love to learn those martial arts moves of hers!" "I'm more interested in those elemental creatures of hers. I've never seen such animals before." Ami commented as she typed on her laptop. "They're cool too! I really like that mouse of hers. That electric critter is so cute!" Minako said. Rene, who had been absent from the first time, the Silver Senshi had appeared, also nodded. "She's really cool!" At the table where the three Ranmas were sitting, Raiden smirked. "Pika." "Shh, Raiden! Keep it down!" Trainer whispered. Though the pendant that the Pikachu was wearing made it invisible, people could still hear the electric rodent. At the Time Gates, the two hooded figures continued their vigil on the five Ranmas. Meanwhile, Sailor Pluto was still in her crystal prison. Somehow, the prison kept her alive and well, without any food, water or need to get rid of wastes. With her powers still neutralized, she was forced to watch with her captors as time unfolded. "What is the purpose of ALL of this? The CHAOS that those five have already caused has made the future of Crystal Tokyo..." "Oh will you stop going on about the future of your precious Crystal Tokyo?" The first hooded figure said with much annoyance. "Yes, those five are there to make certain that Crystal Tokyo will be saved!" The second figure said with irritation. This got Setsuna's attention. "W-W-What?!" The first cloaked figure sighed and said, "The chaos that threatens to wipe out your Crystal Tokyo is from Blodia, not from those five. He represents the greatest threat to the Senshi. That first encounter alone had proven that the Inner and Outer Senshi won't be able to handle his minions, let alone Blodia himself!" The second figure nodded. "Blodia and his followers come from a dark realm which feeds on the life forces of others. They had made an extensive study of the Sailor Senshi and had created Soul Hunters that can neutralize every one of the Senshi. The only way to counter this threat was to introduce some elements that he was unfamiliar with. Those five dimensional beings possess not only the power to defeat Blodia, but also have the right attributes to save all of reality." The first figure nodded. "Yes, and knowing your penchant of destroying any element that threatens your precious future of Crystal Tokyo, we knew you would have eliminated those five the moment they appeared in this reality. That's why we stopped you." The other figure continued. "So until Blodia is defeated, you're going to have to stay here and do nothing! Consider yourself lucky that the sphere you are in is magically sustaining you, so you won't require any food, water or going to the bathroom!" Setsuna pounded against the walls of her prison. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! YOU'RE MAKING THE TIME STREAM..." The second figure made a clapping gesture and Setsuna's prison became soundproof again. "What a hypocrite!" The first figure mumbled. "She's supposed to be the Guardian of Time and not interfere, but she's already used her powers to change the course of history several times already!" "Well, what can I say? All that power she received has made her feel that her past actions was justified. If there is one kind of person that annoys me, it is someone who thinks that he or she has the right to play god. She has no right to decide who is to live and who is to die. Kami-sama gave people the right to choose their own destinies and Pluto there, thinks that her way is the only way! Sheesh!" "Yes, well haven't you thought that perhaps we're doing the same? I mean, the way we're manipulating those five Ranmas?" The second figure sighed as he responded. "I suppose we are, but unlike Pluto, we're not trying to control the destiny of others. We are just trying to ensure that the people of all reality have a CHANCE to choose their own fate. Once those five are done here, they will be moved to another dimension that needs their help. The people of this world will still be free to make their own decisions, though I rather suspect that Pluto will continue to stick her nose into other people's business to ensure that her 'perfect' future comes to pass." The hooded person glared at the Senshi of Time. "And besides, once this is all over, they will be sent back to their home dimensions to fulfill their own destinies, without any interference from anyone else." "I suppose." The other person sighed. "Though I wish that we could have just sent those five to their ultimate destination sooner." "Remember that old saying that success is not in the destination, but in the journey?" The second mystery person asked. "We could have sent those five to that dimension right away, but they would have been ill-prepared and not become the cohesive group that they are now. They need that teamwork and closeness. They have gotten to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. They understand each other, and though they may not agree on some things, they do hold great respect for one another. Remember the reasons why we selected those five in the first place." The first person nodded as he produced an image of T-Ranma. "The technological Ranma is the most mature of all of them. He has considerable leadership skills and possesses tremendous power. His military background gives him an advantage in tactical planning and he has access to almost unlimited resources. His social skills are also the most developed." The second person nodded as he conjured up an image of Kojiro. "Kojiro represents independence and seems to be the most emotionally expressive of the group. He's not afraid to show his feelings and his Cat Fist abilities give him a decided edge in both combat and other situations. His willful determination is a valuable asset." Another image of Ranma was conjured up, this time of B-Ranma. "The Amazon Ranma represents the opposite to Kojiro's ferocity. You could think of him as Kojiro's yang to his yin. He represents serenity and understanding. His Unseen Light powers and healer skills make him perfect for situations in which brute force does not apply. "The Ranma who "is part dragon also plays an opposite." The first hooded figure said. "He represents magic as compared to Prototype's science. As you well know, ANY Ranma in any dimension will have some kind of link to the mystical forces. His magical abilities shall aid the others as they continue on." "Yes, and finally, the Ranma who is a Pokemon trainer, shall be the wild card. His training and Pokemon shall be of great help, as he has already displayed as the Silver Senshi. He has shown what good friends are capable of and the friendship he has created between his Pokemon shall only get stronger as time goes on. He is already becoming closer to his counterparts as well." Meanwhile... As the three Ranmas kept a close watch on the Sailor Senshi, walking down the streets in his blind man's guise was B-Ranma. He was discretely following Rae as she went grocery shopping. His senses easily picked up the hidden potential within the Senshi of Fire. Her Sailor powers might be able to keep sighted people from recognizing her face as Sailor Mars, but they were ineffective against a person who could sense an individual's inner being. B-Ranma noticed her from the very start and deduced her as one of the Senshi. When he heard one of the shopkeepers call her Rae, his suspicions were confirmed as he remembered the name from the manga that Ling Ling and Lung Lung had read to him. Just as Rae was heading home with a bag full of groceries, the blind fighter frowned as he sensed very hostile intentions being directed toward Rae. His seventh sense picked up several figures that were following her and assumed them to be thugs. He quietly leapt toward a nearby third-story ledge on a building adjacent to the sidewalk that Rae was traveling on. Meanwhile, the empathic Rae began to feel very dark emanations and sensed that she was being followed. Peeking out of the corner of one eye, she spotted a couple of shadowy figures some meters behind her. She knew that they were intent on robbing her or even worse and tried to elude them. Ducking into a nearby alley, she became dismayed to discover that not only was it a dead end, but there were three more thugs waiting for her. The street toughs snickered as one brandished a knife and said, "Well, well, look what we have here." "She's a cutie." The second one said as he brandished a tire iron. "I can see that we're going to have lots of fun tonight!" Rae looked behind her and saw that the other two were now blocking the exit. The temple girl dropped her bag and took a defensive stance. She was going to make these goons regret on choosing her for a target. She didn't have a black belt in Karate for nothing! Perched on a ledge above the alley, B-Ranma nodded as he assessed her stance. B-Ranma's sixth sense went off as one of the hoods pulled something out of his jacket. Judging by the shape of the object and the way he held it, the blind Amazon recognized it as a gun. He had learned about such weapons before in the Amazon village. A few years ago, the village had been attacked by soldiers of the Chinese Army but had repelled the invaders. They had kept a few of their weapons as souvenirs. His sensitive nose also caught the faint odor of gunpowder. Now the introduction of this weapon changed the odds and B-Ranma knew that he had to intervene. Rae couldn't transform into a Senshi without revealing her identity. Taking into account of what T-Ranma said about keeping a low profile, he mentally commanded the clothes he was wearing to take on a new appearance. The cyberweave body suit shifted its appearance to take on a darker tone. Soon B-Ranma was decked out in a black, short-sleeved body suit, black boots, and headmask. The mask covered everything but his lower face and chin. He made certain that the mask was thin enough to allow his sensitive hearing to operate. His eyes were now hidden behind a webbed mesh that would have obscured the vision of a normal person. Stylized shoulder pads appeared, and his hands became encased in fingerless gloves. With only his mouth, nose and fingers exposed to allow for his enhanced senses of smell, touch and taste, B-Ranma looked like some black-suited avenger (think of Daredevil dressed in black). As a final touch, B-Ranma thought of an image of a stylized eye imprinted on the left side of his chest. Extending his battle staff to its five-foot length, the blind Amazon used his Hidden Weapon techniques to make a smoke bomb appear. He hurled it down to where Rae was facing off against her assailants. Just as the five were about to close in on her, a small object dropped to the ground and exploded into thick clouds of black smoke. "What the hell?!" "What's going on?" "I can't see!" Rae was just as confused as he assailants as she had been contemplating of transforming into Sailor Mars. She was just outside of the sudden smokescreen and could see the faint shadows of her attackers as they blindly flailed about. Then a sudden blur of movement was felt as something dropped in from above and began darting in and out among the thugs. "What the...?" WHAP! "Who the...?" SMACK! "Who's there?" POW! "Huh?" CRUNCH! In less than five seconds, four of Rae's attackers were down and out as the temple girl wondered just what was going on. The she saw a large, dark shape suddenly appear in front of her, and as the smoke cleared, her eyes widened as she got a good look at her rescuer. He was tall and was well formed. The skintight bodysuit he wore accentuated his powerfully built back. He wasn't bulky like a power-lifter, but had a lean, build like a gymnast. She couldn't discern his face, since half of it was covered by the mask, though she did like his hardened chin. His mouth was a thin, line as he faced off against the last thug, who was still holding out the gun. "Who the hell are you?!" The tough asked. B-Ranma smirked as he held out his staff. "I'd like to say I'm your worst nightmare, but you probably see your worst nightmare every day when you look into a mirror." "WHY YOU!" "LOOK OUT!" Rae cried out as the thug raised his gun and fired. "Don't worry!" B-Ranma said as he started spinning his staff like a propeller. Rae gasped in amazement as the staff spun at amazing speed. The pole made a circle of energy appear as it spun and the bullet was deflected away when it hit the ki shield. "Huh?" The thug gasped and then began to fire repeatedly at his opponent. "Two..." BLAM! "Three..." BLAM! "Four..." BLAM! B-Ranma calmly counted off each shot as they were fired. His seventh sense tracked the flight path of each bullet and he angled his shield accordingly so that the ricochets wouldn't harm anyone. "Five..." BLAM! "Six..." CLICK! CLICK! "Well, it looks like you're out of ammunition." The blind Ranma stopped spinning his staff and waited for his opponent to make a move. The tough saw that his gun was now useless, hurled it at his foe, then started running. "Help! He's a monster!" B-Ranma calmly deflected the spent firearm and then rushed forward. With a graceful flip, he landed in front of the thug. Before the hood could do anything, he used the Amaguriken technique to deliver several shiatsu strikes to paralyze him on the spot. "I'M a monster?" B-Ranma said casually, yet with irritation. "From what I've seen, you and your friends are the REAL monsters, for attacking an innocent girl. Now apologize to her." "Huh?" B-Ranma simply tapped a nearby trashcan and used the Advanced Breaking Point to cause it to crumble into powder. He sensed the fear in the hoodlum after he had witnessed it. "Must I repeat myself? I said to apologize to her." "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" If the thug had been able to move, he would have done the Crouch of the White Tiger. B-Ranma nodded as he used another pressure point to paralyze the vocal cords of the criminal, then turned back to walk toward Rae. Rae backed off a bit after witnessing what B-Ranma had done. The blind Ranma stopped for a moment as his sixth sense detected her uneasiness and fear of him. He then sensed something rushing at him from behind. "LOOK..." WHAM! B-Ranma simply pivoted on one foot and sent a reverse roundhouse kick to the attacker's midsection. One of the hoodlums that B-Ranma had put down earlier had regained consciousness and tried to blindside him (pardon the pun), but the Unseen Light fighter simply countered the attack and sent the thug flying. The mugger slammed into a wall and slumped back down into la-la land. "Tsk, tsk. Shame on you for trying to sneak up on someone like that." The blind Amazon wagged a finger at the unconscious hood, then smiled at Rae. "Are you all right?" "Uh, yes... thank you." Rae stuttered. "No problem!" B-Ranma said happily as his ears picked up the distant wail of police sirens. Apparently, someone must have heard the gunshots and called the police. "Well, I guess I'd better be going. See you!" "Wait! Who are you?" Rae cried out as B-Ranma turned to leave. The blind Amazon smiled as he replied without facing her. "Call me... the PERCEPTOR!" He then leapt up to an amazing height of thirty-five feet and triangle-jumped off the opposite wall before disappearing over a rooftop. Rae was left standing in awe as a police car rounded the corner and came to a stop at the alley. Some time later, at the apartment that the Ranmas were staying at... "The Perceptor?" T-Ranma said in disbelief after B-Ranma had finished with his story. The other Ranmas also stared at him in shock. B-Ranma could only shrug helplessly as he replied. "Well, I couldn't just tell her my REAL name, now could I?" The technowarrior shook his head and sighed, while pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's bad enough that Trainer has to go about as the Silver Senshi. Now you had to get involved as well?" "Hey, I couldn't just stand there and..." Prototype held up a hand and said, "It's all right, Ranma. Like Trainer, you didn't have much of a choice, now did you?" "Yeah. At least the media didn't get wind of you." Draco said. "Yeah, and your superhero costume's a LOT cooler!" Kojiro said. "I wish I could have thought of something like that!" Trainer mumbled. Maybe he could try a different disguise, like that Tuxedo Kamen guy. Maybe something along the lines of Karate Mask or something. It was then that the television began showing a news bulletin and the five Ranmas looked at the screen. Apparently, the forces of Blodia were on the rampage again as more than fifty Soul Gatherers were draining the life energies of people in downtown Tokyo. On the scene were the Inner Scouts and they were having problems dealing with so many of Blodia's minions all at once. "I guess that's my cue." P-Ranma sighed as he took off his Water Stone Pendant, splashed himself with a glass of ice water, and then willed the body suit to change into the Silver Senshi costume. "I'll have the ship's transporter beam you to those coordinates." T-Ranma said as P-Ranma put her Water Stone on and recalled Raiden into his Pokeball. He mentally linked up with his cloaked ship as its console lit up. The transporter circuits activated and the Silver Senshi was whisked away. Some time earlier... "Are you sure that it wasn't Tuxedo Kamen that saved you?" Makoto asked after Rae had finished telling her friends about her encounter with the Perceptor. "No. He called himself the Perceptor and he took out those thugs as if they were nothing! He acted like he had eyes in the back of his head!" "Was he cute?" Minako asked. "I couldn't tell since he wore that mask, but he was tall, pretty well built and..." Rae's voice trailed off as she blushed a bit. She recalled that fine figure, but what caught her attention the most, was how he looked at her. Although the mask hid his eyes, the temple girl felt as if he had been staring into her soul. She then remembered that eye insignia on his chest and wondered if that had anything to do with him. "Wow. This is weird." Usagi said. "First the Silver Senshi shows up, and now another new superhero." Ami nodded as she began running statistics on her computer. "It may be just a coincidence, but somehow, I don't think so. It may be..." The blue-haired girl of the group was interrupted when the television began showing images of an attack in downtown Tokyo. They saw Necton, Haldin and Parat directing their monsters against innocent civilians. Wasting no time, she and the other Sailor Senshi called out their transformation phrases and became the sailor-suited warriors of love and justice. At the Time Gates... "Hmmm, it looks like Trainer might be biting off more than he can chew this time around." The second person nodded and said, "Well, he's not going to be alone this time." In downtown Tokyo... Necton smirked as the Soul Gatherers had finished draining a group of people of their life energies. All that was left of those poor souls were their clothes as they faded away into nothingness. It was then that he saw a group of girls appear on the scene and sighed. Not the Senshi they were waiting for, but something to amuse them until their real target showed up. "Stop you servants of evil!" Sailor Moon said as she and the Inner Scouts went into their customary group pose. "I, Sailor Moon..." "Yadda, yadda, yadda, we've all heard this before." Haldin said in disgust as she motioned to a tentacled Soul Hunter. "Octoponia! Deal with them!" Before Sailor Moon or the rest of the Senshi could react, the octopus-like creature shot several of its arms and wrapped them around the Inner Scouts. The girls began to feel that same sickening feeling as their life energies began to drain away. "You couldn't even defeat our previous Soul Hunters, so what made you think that you could better this time?" Necton said. "Like our new, improved Soul Hunters?" Parat gloated. "Not only do they seek out precious soul energies, but they can also drain it away like the Soul Gatherers. Of course they do so in a more painful manner, but I can guess that you've already found that out." The five Senshi cried out in agony as their energies were being stripped away. It was then that Usagi looked up and saw a familiar, caped figure about to throw in a rose. "Tuxedo..." "ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" Before Usagi's horrified eyes, something came up and tackled Tuxedo Kamen from behind. In less than a minute, their would-be rescuer was levitated to the streets below in a crystal prison. Behind Tuxedo Kamen's confinement cube was another Soul Hunter that seemed to be made of diamond. "Very good Shard." Necton complimented. "Now drain him as well. He's worse than useless, but his life energy shall help assuage our master's hunger." "Not so fast!" All three villains looked over to one side and saw Sailor Neptune, Uranus and Chiba-Moon standing ready. "Now you shall..." "ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!" Before Uranus could say another word, a huge shadow suddenly appeared behind them and engulfed the three Senshi in a cold, black void. The shadow then reshaped itself into a huge silhouette in a humanoid form. The face was a featureless, except for two, glowing red eyes. One could hear the tortured screams of the Senshi it had just engulfed within its body. "Well done, Shadow Stalker." Haldin smirked as she turned toward the Senshi who were still being held by Octoponia. "What is IT with you and these OVERDRAMATIC ENTRANCES OF YOURS? I swear, they take more time than the battle themselves!" "Yeah, don't you know that talk is cheap?" Parat teased. "I'm sick to death of your speeches. It's a good thing that we won't have to hear them any longer!" "Yes, well their life energies will be drained within a few minutes, so I suppose this is when the so-called calvary is to arrive." Necton said. "SILVERBOLT FLASH!" "Ah, right on time." Necton commented as P-Ranma's ki blast shot down from above and slammed into Shadow Stalker. The sudden flare of light caused the dark creature to expel Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Chiba-Moon from its depths. Of course by now, the Senshi were too weak to offer any help. From a nearby rooftop, P-Ranma had decided to forego the customary intro speech and focused on freeing the other Senshi. "SILVERWIND STRIKE!" The blast of pressurized air hit Octoponia in the head, causing it to lose its grip on the Inner Senshi. The Silver Senshi then leapt down and charged at the prison that held Tuxedo Kamen prisoner. "SILVERFIRE KICK!" Dashing at the crystal cube with her Rapidash Run technique, the Silver Senshi leapt up and delivered a burning kick to break Tuxedo Kamen free. He too slumped to ground after having much of his life force drained. P-Ranma wasted no time as she backflipped and triggered the release switches to her Pokeballs. In an instant, Raiden, Wildfire, Wind Rider, Razor, Sea Storm and Bruiser appeared to stand behind their master. The group was now between the weakened Senshi and their tormentors. "We have expecting you, Silver Senshi." Necton said as three Soul Hunters gathered behind him, Haldin and Parat. "It seems that we have been through this situation before. Kind of like déjà vu, don't you think?" "Yeah, and just like the like the last time, my allies and I are going to kick your butts back to your master!" "Not this time!" Haldin declared as she made a signaling gesture. Suddenly, the dozens of Soul Gatherers began to morph into larger shapes and sizes. That was when P-Ranma began to get a sinking feeling as she found herself facing not three, but more than FIFTY Soul Hunters. Parat smiled evilly as he said. "Our mistake in dealing with you before, was that we only sent one or two Soul Hunters against you. With those creatures helping you, our minions were usually outmatched and outnumbered. NOT THIS TIME!" "Now what are you going to do, Silver Senshi?" Haldin sneered. "You cannot possibly win against such overwhelming odds, nor can you protect your comrades at the same time!" P-Ranma gritted her teeth. Haldin had a point. The Senshi were too weak to defend themselves and going up against that many enhanced Soul Hunters was not exactly instilling her with comfidence. At the Time Gates... "Whoa. This must be what George Armstrong Custer must have felt at the Little Big Horn." "Don't worry. Here comes the cavalry!" At the apartment where the other four Ranmas were staying, T-Ranma shook his head and said, "Looks like our Pokemon trainer has bitten off more than he can chew." He turned toward his counterparts and sighed. "I guess we're going to have to get involved after all." The three other Ranmas gave him a frown as they realized what they had to do. "Oh no! You don't mean…?" Draco asked. "Yes. It looks like we're going to have to get into the superhero biz again." "Oh no! C'mon! You promised we wouldn't have to do this again after that Shinesman universe!" Kojiro snarled. "If you guys got a better idea, now's the time to tell me." T-Ranma gestured to the television as the Silver Senshi was about to be attacked en masse. "Think of a superhero name and try to imagine a costume." (*Affirmative. *) "We're going to get you for this." Kojiro growled as he and the others vanished. At the Time Gates… "Popcorn?" "Thanks. And here we GO!" And now… "Any last words?" Necton said as he prepared to signal the Soul Hunters to attack. "None you'd want to hear!" P-Ranma said as she and her Pokemon powered up their battle auras. "So be it! Atta…" That was when four beams of light shot down from the heavens and four figures in black rode the beams to the ground. "What the hell?!" Necton exclaimed as he and his cohorts backed away from the bright rays of light. "What's happening?" Sailor Moon asked. The Silver Senshi smirked. This could only mean one thing. The cavalry arrived. "Looks like the rest of the team is here." "Team?" The Sailor Senshi gasped. Within the beams of light, T-Ranma spoke as he called forth his Phase I Exo-Armor. Spectators could only make out the outline of his body as the armor appeared and fused to his bodysuit. When the light faded, T-Ranma was standing in all his technological glory. "Who are you?" Haldin demanded. T-Ranma smirked as he turned to his comrades. "Guys, introduce yourselves!" The second beam of light faded away and revealed B-Ranma in his new superhero costume. The blind warrior took out his battle staff and displayed some intricate motions with it. He then ended with a pose as he held aloft his weapon. "I'M PERCEPTOR!" Sailor Mars gasped. "It's him!" The third beam faded to reveal Kojiro in his hybrid form. He was wearing a stylish battle harness and briefs, as well as open-toed boots to allow for his clawed feet. He also had bracers on his wrists and epaulets on his shoulders. Making a few slashes that left trails of ki energy, he roared out his name. "CALL ME SABER CLAW!" The third beam of light revealed D-Ranma in armor that was a cross between medieval styles and that of a samurai's. The helmet was shaped like a dragon's head and hid Draco's face beneath the helm. He took out his Sword, Crimson Fang from its scabbard, made several incredibly graceful motions with it and then struck a pose. "I'M DRAGON-KNIGHT!" T-Ranma smirked as he turned his attention back to Blodia's servants. "And you can call me… TECHNO 1! With the Silver Senshi at our side… (Whispers to the others to take a group pose)… we are… the JUSTICE FIVE!" The other Ranmas all groaned inwardly as they took a group pose with 'Techno 1' and powered up their battle auras. The sheer power that emanated from them made the minions of Blodia think that THEY were now up against more than they could chew. At the Time Gates… "SOMEBODY has been watching TOO many Power Ranger episodes!" To be continued? Most certainly! Author's notes Okay, I admit it! I've gone totally nuts, but that's what I like most about fan fiction. I can do practically anything that I want with this story. I know by now, everyone is again rolling on the floor, but hey, it's all for fun, right? Next will be part two of this chapter as the five Ranmas must face off against Blodia to ensure the future of the Sailor Moon world! Be there!